Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The 2nd Presidential Debate

So my first blog post was supposed to be about me. However, I have decided to do it on the second debate between the presidential candidates. Frankly I am embarrassed. Embarrassed as a republican that the McCain campaign resorted to name-calling and finger-pointing rather than sticking to the issues. (He didn't just decide to respond that way. His advisors told him to.) Embarrassed as an American that the debate looked more like a high school cheerleaders in a cat fight than two presidential candidates. The whole time I was watching, Brokaw was breaking up fights more than he was mediating. The candidates wouldn't even follow the rules that they themselves set. It was so frustratingly painful that I eventually just had to turn it off. I know I shouldn't base who I'm voting for off of one debate but after this one, I am seriously considering not voting for either of them. Even when they weren't at each others' throats, they were just repeating the same tired lines over and over again. They didn't address the questions directly. I'm sure that the people who were present, especially those who were asking the question, I would be offended. If this is how these men conduct themselves during a debate, I would seriously question their competency as leader of my great country. If this pointless bickering doesn't stop, I'm casting a protest vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger. At least he is not afraid to tell it like it is. Now stop being girly-men and act like you can run this country.

I liked this article by AP writer, David Bauder.

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